Podcast: why focus on authenticity rather than performance

The ins and outs of creating a podcast with Théo Robache

Already episode 10 of Content Factory and we welcomed the founder of the podcast The Pompom, Theo Robache.

An opportunity to go back to the basics of creating a podcast and why to launch (again) in this format in 2023.
Podcasts are more than ever a flagship medium in the digital audio landscape. More and more entrepreneurs and creators are embarking on the adventure, seduced by the potential of this form of expression. But what can you do to succeed in this saturated universe where competition is tough? Should we aim for buzz and big audience figures at all costs? Or is there an alternative path to success?

Success through authenticity

Théo Robache chose the second option with his Le Pompon podcast. Launched in 2020, Le Pompon was a great success, with more than 130 episodes to date. However, Théo did not try to maximize his audience at all costs. Her credo: sharing true stories rather than looking for buzz at all costs.

“The success of a podcast is based above all on the authenticity of the meetings and exchanges with the guests, more than on the search for visibility or audience performances at all costs”,

In concrete terms, this means prioritizing the quality and diversity of profiles rather than their reputation. Théo received business leaders as well as artisans, top-level athletes and committed actors. His objective: to create rich human relationships that bring as much to himself as to his listeners.

This authentic and qualitative approach has proven to be a winner in the long term. In 3 years, Le Pompon has built a solid reputation and a loyal audience, fascinated by the diversity of the meetings offered. A great success is built patiently by succeeding in forging strong relationships with its guests and listeners, rather than by aiming for performances of views or listening disconnected from the content.

Play consistency

Another key piece of advice from Théo Robache for long-term success: focus on consistency. For the past 3 years, he has been methodically publishing one episode per week (without making a drama out of it when he has no guests over a week) while remaining true to his editorial line focused on highlighting inspiring stories.

This discipline and perseverance allowed him to:

  • Retain your audience, who knows when to find a new episode of Pompon
  • Building a solid reputation in the Bordeaux entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Reassure its guests about its ability to offer a regular qualitative showcase to their profiles

In short, by publishing consistently, Théo is gradually securing a place of choice in the Bordeaux audio landscape. Proof that in podcasts as elsewhere, regularity and perseverance are often the key to success.

Podcast and business

Third piece of advice from Théo Robache: design your podcast as an element of a larger business strategy rather than as an end in itself.

Indeed, Le Pompon has opened up many opportunities for him beyond the podcast:

  • Interventions and courses in business schools on podcasting and speaking
  • Facilitating conferences on entrepreneurship
  • Creation of fifteen white label podcasts on behalf of companies
  • Development of its speaking coaching activities

In short, Théo recalls that while the podcast is the starting point, it can and should be integrated into a coherent set of entrepreneurial activities. Well exploited, it becomes a fabulous tool to develop its audience, its image and its related businesses.

In summary

Théo Robache's advice is invaluable for anyone embarking on the podcast adventure. To summarize its recipe for success:

  • Focus on authentic encounters rather than on the race for performance
  • Play for consistency and consistency over the long term
  • Integrate your podcast into a global business strategy

By following these principles, you will maximize your chances of patiently building a loyal audience and a reference podcast in your theme. Success will come naturally by remaining faithful to a qualitative and regular approach. So, ready to get started by focusing on authenticity?

Podcast: why focus on authenticity rather than performance