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How does it work

Capte in 3 steps

Bouton Inscrivez vous sur le déroule de comment marche Capte en 3 étapes

Sign up

Signup takes less than 5 minutes

Bouton pour télécharger votre vidéo dans les 3 étapes de comment marche Capte

Upload your video

We accept many video formats: mp4, mov, mkv. Can't you find what you're looking for? Tell us!

La dernière étape de comment marche Capte avec le bouton Editez, remixez, exportez

Edit, remix, export

The editor allows you to extract as many clips as you want. Let go and create


How does transcript work?

La transcription sur Capte est Rapide


In just a few seconds, your file is transformed into an editable text

La transcription sur Capte est Précise


AI analyzes speech and uses algorithms to identify words that are spoken accurately.

La transcription sur Capte est Fiable


The text rendering is ultra faithful to the audio. Remember to reread yourself anyway


Translate all your content

La traduction sur Capte est Automatique


You don't have to do anything.
Apart from simply pressing “Translate”

La traduction sur Capte est Rapide


With a single click your translation
is ready and available

La traduction sur Capte propose beaucoup de choix


More than a dozen languages are available for translation


The basics

Les sous-titres sur Capte sont Facile


Adding subtitles to Capte is a breeze thanks to our super easy editor.

Les sous-titres sur Capte sont Facile


In 2 minutes, you will have added your subtitles to the video.

Les sous-titres sur Capte sont Automatique


The only thing we can't do for you is choose which video to start with.

Voice recognition

State-of-the-art technology

La reconnaissance vocale sur Capte est Technique


Our speech recognition software then uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze these digital signals and turn them into words and sentences that the computer can understand.

La reconnaissance vocale sur Capte est la plus fiable du marché


Capte allows you to accurately generate high quality subtitles.

La reconnaissance vocale sur Capte est la plus rapide du marché


At Capte we have chosen not to choose and offer you a quality transcription in a very short time.


Truly unique subtitles

Le style sur Capte est Unique


You will be able to add your own style to all your content.

Le style sur Capte est de Qualité


You will have the perfect rendering for each social network and the best practices to apply.

La seule limite au style sur Capte ll'imagination


The only limit will be your imagination to create combinations.

More features coming soon?

We are always improving Capte

Feature suggestion

Do you have a functional idea?
Tell us, Capte is made by you!

I can't get Capte to work, what should I do?

Our support is there for you. Real humans at your service to solve a problem or listen to your suggestions.