Publishing imperfect content, the Caroline Mignaux method

Many creators find themselves paralyzed at the idea of producing content,

In our Content Factory podcast, which can be found every week on our YouTube channel, atEpisode 6 with Caroline Mignaux we talk about the importance of publishing even in an imperfect way so as not to block our content strategy.

Here's what she's talking about in the podcast in more detail.

Dare to publish imperfect content to move forward

Many creators find themselves paralyzed at the idea of producing content, fearing that it won't be perfect. However, it's often better to post imperfect content than to post nothing at all. Explanations.

The fear of imperfection blocks creation

When you start creating content, especially on social networks, the fear of judgment and failure can quickly win you over. You may then want to do things perfectly before deciding to publish.

The problem is that this desire for perfection can completely block us. Result: you end up publishing nothing at all, or not regularly enough.

However, this frantic quest for perfection is in vain. On the internet, there will always be criticism, regardless of the quality of our work. So by dint of waiting to be completely satisfied, you never take the plunge.

It's better to publish imperfect content...

Faced with this blockage, the solution consists in changing one's state of mind with regard to one's publications.

Rather than waiting to be certain that our content is perfect before broadcasting it, it is better to accept that it may be imperfect, and get started regardless.

As content creator Caroline explains:

So how do I manage my content.
Today, I'm going to tell you, there is very little strategy. People are making a world of personal branding, of creating content. As for me, I am driven by the heart and it often works. Let me give you a very stupid example. My LinkedIn posts, sometimes there are spelling mistakes, my podcasts sometimes they are not very well put together, the description is missing letters. I am very comfortable with my imperfection and I think that it allows me to produce quickly and that allows me to be happy.

Concretely, for example, we can:

  • Post articles with a few spelling mistakes
  • Post a video edited in a basic way
  • Record a podcast with improved audio quality

The important thing is to set realistic goals to publish regularly, even if the result does not seem perfect to us.

It's always better to share imperfect content on a regular basis rather than perfect content sporadically. This is what will make it possible to progress.

... than not publishing anything at all

Because yes, publishing makes us progress faster than inaction. Novice creators often tend to underestimate this continuous learning effect thanks to feedback from their audience.

By publishing imperfect content, we end up identifying our weak points, and we can thus improve certain aspects for our next publications.

For example, if you publish a video with hesitant editing, the statistics and comments will give you valuable insight into what is working and what is not working.

On the other hand, if we wait indefinitely for perfection before publishing, we will not get any feedback. Our progress will then be much slower.

Finding the right balance

Obviously, it's not about publishing anything either. It is a good idea to keep a minimum filter before publishing.

For example, we can set ourselves some essential criteria, such as:

  • The content must correspond to our editorial line
  • It does not include gross factual errors
  • It respects a certain ethics and our fundamental values

While maintaining this safety net, it is then possible to relax its formal requirements in order to publish more regularly.

Finding the right balance between stagnation and haste is the most effective way forward. The motto? “Perfect is the enemy of the good”, as Voltaire said. In terms of creation on the Internet, this maxim makes perfect sense.

Facilitate publication thanks to adapted tools

Fortunately, more and more tools are being developed to make it easier for creators to publish quality content on social networks.

This is the case with Capte, our solution that simplifies the creation of content. In a few clicks, you can finalize your videos that will be ready to be shared on your networks, saving you from spending hours designing them.

Thanks to this type of solution, there is no excuse for not daring to publish regularly, even in an imperfect way! The important thing is to get started, to experiment, and to improve your content as you get feedback from your audience.

Publishing imperfect content, the Caroline Mignaux method