Good tips for creating content

Do you disperse and want to be everywhere at the same time?

Choosing the right channels to create content that suits us

When you start creating content, it is tempting to want to be present everywhere: Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, podcasts... However, it is better to choose strategically the channels on which we are going to publish, by opting for those that will suit us best.

In The episode of our Content Factory podcast with Jordan Chenevier-Truchet, he went back to this at length. We decided to dig deeper into the subject.

Focus on channels where you are comfortable

Rather than dispersing our efforts by wanting to master all platforms, it is better to focus on those that allow us to create quality content in accordance with our personality. As Jordan explains from Buildozer :

What works, there are two levels, there are even three. The elements that I am comfortable speaking about, the elements that I have no difficulty producing, and the elements that make a performance.

Expressing yourself on controlled topics, in a format that you like to use, is reflected in the quality of the content produced. And this feeling of comfort is also felt by the audience.

Choose your channels according to your strengths

We can identify the most relevant channels for us by analyzing our strengths:

  • Extensive knowledge in a field? A blog or a podcast will allow you to deepen complex topics.
  • A good spirit of synthesis? LinkedIn or Medium are good channels for sharing compelling articles.
  • Comfortable speaking and with improvisation? Twitch or Clubhouse are great options.
  • Creative and comfortable with video editing? Bet on YouTube and the video universe.

In short, it's about capitalizing on your natural talents rather than necessarily wanting to master all formats.

Start on a single channel before diversifying

A good way to start is to focus on the channel that best fits our strengths, rather than doing it all at once. Jordan advises:

Today, given that I have tested quite a few things, if I had to do a breakdown, I would say that I do 20% of tests and 80% I do what works for me.

Once we have found how to produce quality content on a given channel, we can then consider gradually diversifying our presence, by offering some flagship content in other formats.

But it is rarely effective to focus everything on quantity and multi-channel from the start, at the risk of neglecting quality. It is better to master one channel before adding others.

Remain authentic

Finally, the most important thing in choosing your channels is to remain authentic and not to force yourself to adopt formats that are far from our personality. As Jordan summarizes:

There are topics that I would not be comfortable talking about again, etc. Because I consider that they do not correspond to me.

By creating content on the right channels for us, not only will it be easier to produce, but the result will also be of better quality. Enough to build the loyalty of an audience that shares our interests.

Simplifying content creation with Capte

Luckily, tools like Capte are now simplifying the content creation process.

With Capte you can thus focus on broadcasting on your priority channels. No more wasting hours editing, or adding subtitles.

Thanks to Capte, creating content is child's play! All that's left to do is choose the right channels to share this content on.

Good tips for creating content