From Analysis to Action: Maximizing Conversion with Content Metrics

Content is at the heart of any successful marketing and growth hacking strategy.

How to analyze your metrics to create content that converts

Jordan Chenevier-Truchet focuses on performance in his content creation. He came to tell us about it in episode 8 of Content Factory, to be found here.

Content is at the heart of any successful marketing and growth hacking strategy. But between blogs, podcasts, videos and social networks, how can you ensure that your content reaches its goals and converts your prospects into customers?

The answer is simple: analyze your metrics! In this article, we'll discuss why measuring the performance of your marketing content is essential and how to use this data to optimize your strategy.

The benefits of analysing content metrics

Measuring the performance of your marketing content has a number of benefits:

  • Identify what works vs what doesn't
  • Understand the preferences of your audience
  • Optimize your content for more engagement and conversion
  • Know where to allocate your time and resources

By methodically analyzing your metrics, you can quickly determine which formats, topics, and channels generate the most engagement with your audience. That way, you'll avoid wasting time creating low-performing content.

Key KPIs to analyze

Now that we've seen the value of analysing content metrics, let's take a look at what KPIs (key performance indicators) to monitor:

  • Number of views/plays
  • Engagement rate (likes, comments, shares)
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Evolution of traffic on your website
  • Subscribers won

The more interest your content gets, the higher these metrics will be. Set goals for each of these KPIs (for example, a minimum of 100 views per video) and analyze your results regularly.

The analysis tools to use

Numerous tools make it easy to collect and analyze your content data:

  • Google Analytics: to track traffic on your website
  • Facebook Insights, YouTube Analytics: for data on these platforms
  • Chrome extensions such as Feedly Insights or Buzzsumo: to analyze engagement on your articles/videos

You can also maintain a dashboard to manually compile your KPIs by content, as explained by Jordan Chenevier-Truchet, founder of Bulldozer :

I have a Notion backlog where I put all my performances into. And so, it allows me to make filters according to tag, according to date, according to my... All content combined, podcast, LinkedIn, YouTube, everything.

By compiling your data in this way, you get an overview to easily compare the performance of each piece of content.

Best practices for effective analysis

To get the most out of analysing your metrics, apply these best practices:

  • Analyze over a long period of time - trends are more relevant than day-to-day data
  • Compare performance between content formats (podcast vs YouTube videos for example)
  • Test the performance of different subjects, lengths, visuals, etc. to see what optimizes your results
  • Set clear goals by KPI
  • Act on lessons learned to continuously improve your content

As Jordan summarizes:

When I get fewer than 100 likes, it's red light. When I get between 100 and 200 likes, it's orange light. When I hit between 200 and 300, it's green light. And when I make more than 300, it's the little green check mark, like that, in fashion, yes my guy, now you're a hit.

By establishing clear performance criteria in this way, you will easily be able to identify your content with high conversion potential.


Analyzing your marketing content metrics is essential to understand what works and optimize your strategy. By tracking key KPIs, setting goals, and comparing performance, you can quickly determine best practices. The result? More effective content that converts your prospects into customers!

From Analysis to Action: Maximizing Conversion with Content Metrics