3 key lessons for creating successful marketing videos

Behind the scenes of the job of Content Manager with Florane Fréjat

Video is a leading content marketing format, but making videos that perform well isn't always easy.
On the occasion of the first episode of season 2 of Content Factory, our podcast that talks about content with a capital C, we talked with Florane Fréjat From the agency Behind The Skills to learn more about how he approaches the issue of content creation.

Focus on personal branding

The Personal branding, or personal marketing, is a powerful strategy to develop your reputation, especially when you are just starting out or if you are a startup. Encourage your employees to share content on social networks like LinkedIn. It's a great way to increase your visibility!

“We've noticed that the more the company grows, the less employees tend to post. The more developed the company is, the less employees express themselves. But it's a shame, because it's a win-win.”

Think “derived formats” for a video with a high ROI

Optimize your video creations by thinking of derived formats from the start: teaser, extracts, subtitles, social media posts, etc.
This will increase the profitability of your content and save valuable time to promote it.

“We tell them (our editors), you deliver the video to us, you give us a teaser, and you make shorts for us. (...) It varies, a teaser will be between 30 and 45 seconds long, a short one will last between 45 seconds and 2 minutes.”

Brief, script, schedule: structure your video

An impromptu video is much less likely to perform. It is essential to prepare a script, a brief, a schedule, etc. in advance to give structure and quality to video content.

“The videos that went the worst were the ones that weren't written, the ones that weren't scripted, the ones that didn't have a schedule.”

By applying these 3 tips, you maximize your chances of creating effective and impactful marketing videos.

For more information and to discover the entire exchange, watch the full episode here:

3 key lessons for creating successful marketing videos