Why do we have to bet on ultra-short formats?

The future of video is short content!

Short videos are becoming more and more popular on social networks and video platforms. In this article, we'll look at why this format is so popular and tips for creating compelling videos.

The reasons for the success of short videos

We are all big consumers of content, but our attention is limited. We want to be able to quickly view videos that are easily digestible. Short formats are thus more adapted to the frenzied consumption of information.

Consulting content on mobile is also a key factor. Short videos are easily watched during the dead hours of the day, on public transport for example. Their contained duration is perfect for viewing on a smartphone.

Moreover, a striking and concise video has a high viral potential. It can easily be shared and shared on social networks. Applications such as TikTok, YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels have fully understood this phenomenon by betting on this ultra-short and eye-catching format.

A guide to making quality short content on YouTube Shorts? We have an article especially for you!

The benefits of making short videos

Short videos offer a lot of advantages. First of all, it's a creative format that makes it easy to capture attention with compelling and dynamic content. These little video chips lend themselves well to humor and teasing techniques.

They are also quite quick to produce compared to a classic video or a documentary. Their realization is therefore accessible even with few technical and financial resources. You just have to get started!

It is also a great way to get a message across effectively and synthetically. In a few seconds, you can inform, raise awareness or promote an idea.

Short videos work well as a hook for a channel youtube Or as content TikTok. Broadcast before longer content, they attract attention and make you want to see more.

Finally, this interactive format makes it possible to ask questions, launch surveys, challenges and thus promotes audience engagement.

Practical tips for successful short videos

To produce successful short videos, here are a few tips:

  • Choose a compelling theme and set a strong promise to capture attention from the first few seconds.
  • Work on your title, thumbnail, and description to make you want to click.
  • Adopt a dynamic and spontaneous tone, as if you were speaking to a friend.
  • Focus on a single idea or key message per video.
  • Use visual effects, music, and transitions to make your video more fast-paced.
  • Integrate interactive elements like surveys to increase engagement.
  • Think of “cliffhangers” (suspense) to make viewers want to see what's next.
  • Broadcast your video on several platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok...) to multiply your audience.

To facilitate repurpose (content recycling) and thus be able to post adapted content on all platforms very quickly and easily, we can only advise you Capte : our tool that will propel your content creation into fashion Content Factory.

Short videos are the future of online content. Dynamic and eye-catching, they are attracting more and more Internet users eager for fast and powerful content.

It's up to you to play now!

Why do we have to bet on ultra-short formats?