All you need to know about subtitles

The most frequently asked questions about subtitles

Here we have gathered all the answers to your most frequently asked questions about subtitles.

How do I subtitle a video?

Subtitles are everywhere. On the networks, on TV, in the movies. And that's good. We are in a good position to know this and the first to brag about the benefits as soon as possible.

But how do you simply add subtitles to a video? And above all, how do you do it without having to use editing software that is hard to learn or use an agency?

That's why we imagined Capte. The easiest tool to create subtitles.

It only takes 3 steps:

  1. Add your video
    Register in 2 minutes, then add your video in 1 click. Our AI takes care of the rest.
  2. Personalize your subtitles
    Thanks to the incredible simplicity of our editor, you can customize your subtitles as much as you want.
  3. Publish where you want
    It's ready! It's up to you to play. Finally, become visible by posting your video with subtitles.

Plus, with our trial period, all features are free!

How do I add subtitles automatically?

On any video on YouTube for example, it is possible to add subtitles automatically by pressing “settings” then “subtitles” and choosing the language.
The problem is that if the author of the video did not make the effort to create a specific subtitle track for the video, YouTube directly will generate the subtitles automatically and there will potentially be errors.

One solution is to generate the subtitles yourself using Capte.


It is very simple. All you need to do is retrieve the video by using this method.

You can even translate it at the same time if needed!

By registering on Capte, it's free throughout your trial period.

How to download a.SRT file?

An SRT file (SubRip Text) is a subtitle file used to add subtitles to a video.
With Capte it is very easy to recover it.

To do this, all you need is:

  • to import your video to Capte
  • To choose the language
  • let speech recognition automatically generate the transcript of your video
  • edit your text if there are still a few errors
  • then finally click on “download”, “subtitles”,”download subtitles

That is all.
Do not forget that an SRT file has these particularities:

  • A plain text file format, so it can be read and edited with a simple text editor.
  • It contains the start and end time data for each subtitle, allowing it to be synchronized with the video.
  • Each subtitle is numbered and separated from the next by an empty line.
  • Timstamps are in the format HH:MM:SS, MMS (hours:minutes:seconds, milliseconds).
  • The text for each subtitle appears on one or two lines maximum.
  • Formatting (bold, italics, etc.) is not possible in a standard SRT file.
  • The encoding is generally UTF-8 to support special characters.

We even made a video on the subject:

How do I translate an online video?

Do you have a video or are you on YouTube and want to translate a video quickly and for free?
The solution is on Capte!

In a few clicks you will be able to:

  • register for free on Capte
  • import the video in question (if you don't have the video in your possession, we explain in detail how to retrieve a video online just hither)
  • choose the original language of the video
  • Let the AI detect the audio in your video
  • Once in the text editor, all you have to do is click on “translate” and choose the desired language

In addition, with Capte, during your trial period all features, including translation, are free for the duration of your trial period.

How do I put subtitles on an Instagram video?

Putting subtitles on an Instagram video is essential to increase its visibility, its accessibility and its scope.

But how can we do it simply?

With Capte It's very simple, you will be able to put the subtitles on your video directly on your video, and in addition we have everything planned with models of the safezones to respect for each social network and each format.

A safezone is the place where you can add all your graphics and subtitles to a video without them being hidden by the basic elements of the social network.

Example: a subtitle that is too low on a real Instagram will be hidden by the description. Or, a logo that is too far on the side on TikTok will be hidden by the reaction bar.

We made a whole video on the subject to find out more:

With Capte, you will be able to choose the style of your subtitles, the location, the size, the color, the background, the weight. In short, everything to have the most impactful subtitles!

All that's left to know is the ideal length for each video according to the broadcast platform.

How do I add automatic subtitles to Premiere Pro?

You followed our method for generating an SRT file via Capte and now you're going to want to add it to your Premiere Pro project.

This is the right method because generating subtitles on Premiere Pro is less reliable than our speech recognition tool on Capte.

The whole method for integrating SRT into Premiere is explained step by step and can be found on this item.

What font for subtitles?

Choosing the font for your subtitles is important.

With Capte, you have a wide choice of styles to make your content unique.

Once you are in the text editor, you can open the style palette and choose all the options:

  • Police family
  • waistline
  • height
  • siting
  • grease
  • text and background color
  • outline
  • italics

But what are the essential rules to follow to choose the right style?

  • Use a sans serif font (no frills at the end of the letters), more legible like Arial, Helvetica, Verdana. Serif fonts like Times New Roman are less legible.
  • Prefer a simple, unadorned font for easy reading. Avoid fancy fonts.
  • Choose a font with normal or bold, not too thin. Fonts that are too thin are hard to read.
  • Use a font size large enough to ensure good readability.
  • Choose a font color that contrasts well with the background. White or yellow on a black background is a classic.
  • Avoid decorative fonts that may distract from subtitle content.

But, with Capte, we make your life easier with themes that are already registered, like the theme Hormozi, on which we prepared a free webinar here.

All you need to know about subtitles